What is Diwali and How is it Celebrated?

In many instances, the Diwali festival signifies a spiritual root of Indian beliefs and Diwali marks the nirvana, or spiritual awakening, of their Lord Mahavira even the brothers from Buddhists in India, celebrate Diwali as well as a sign of respect and to enjoy the spirit of freedom that Diwali holidays provide for everyone.

In the lands of northern India, every citizen of India celebrates the story of their King Rama’s return to Ayodhya after he was defeated by Ravana by lighting the rows of clay lamps in that time while Southern India celebrates Diwali as the day that their Lord Krishna defeated the evilness of demon Narakasura. 

For the culture found in western India, the festival marks the day that Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, one of the main gods of the Hindu trinity, greatly advanced the war and sent the demon King Bali to rule the nether world eternally.

The huge symbolism of the festival of light

The festival of Diwali symbolizes the celebration of light triumphing over darkness, good against evil and knowledge over ignorance. Diwali also serves as the mark of the beginning of the new year in every region of India. 

People spend the festival sharing meals and enjoying time spent with friends, loved ones and family, performing charitable giving and selfless service to provide kindness and goodness as the essence of the Diwali festival.

They also light lamps called diyas, clean their homes and exchange small gifts or presents. The presents are often sweets and dried fruits as well as other meaningful tokens of love and appreciation to symbolize protection and an oath to the light of goodness in the festival. 

Having a lot of lists to have good ideal gifts for your loved ones is the best move to take action before the Diwali event begins.

The way Diwali celebrated for five days

During this holiday, you may gift your beloved one any gifts that you prefer from the bottom of your heart but gifting your loved one like Diwali special jewelry gift may also signify your eternal love that may last like the eternal light and love.

Here’s how Diwali is celebrated for five days with joy and love.

On the first day

On the first day of the celebration, People clean their homes inside and outside. They shop for gold kitchen utensils or any metals to help bring good fortune.

On the Second day

People will decorate their homes with clay lamps and create design patterns called rangoli on the floor using colored powders or sand to unite the theme of the Diwali festival.

On the Third day

The third day is considered the main day of the festival and families gather together for Lakshmi puja, a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi to give thanks for her never-ending blessings and prosperity. 

On the Fourth day

One of the grandest days is the first day of the new year when friends and relatives visit with gifts and best wishes for the season. 

On the Fifth day and the last day 

On the last day of the holiday, the brothers visit their married sisters, who welcome them with love and a lavish meal. They also exchange gifts and tokens of prosperity and good fortune.